Good Neighbours: Data Protection Representatives
Posted on 27/02/2019

We can act as a Data Protection Representative on behalf of companies based outside the European Union that will be processing or controlling personal data relation to individuals in the EU. No matter where the data is being processed, if a company is offering goods or services in the EU, or are monitoring an individual’s behaviour whilst they are within the EU, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be abided by.
The Legislation
Article 27 of GDPR dictates that organisations (both controllers and processors) based outside the EU who are processing personal data of individuals within the EU must have a Representative based within the EU. These individuals are not just residents, but also include, for example, tourists from Asia on holiday, or individuals visiting on business from North America. One of the services offered by priviness is to act as such a Representative for companies processing personal data of individuals in the EU.
Our Role
Your organisation can mandate us to act on your behalf and deal with the relevant supervisory authority. It’s not a task to be undertaken lightly. In the event of non-compliance of GDPR, we would be subject to the same enforcement proceedings as the company (controller or processor) we represent. And we’ve made our Representative services very affordable: our pricing starts at only €50 per month for small businesses.
Who Might Need Our Services?
The list is endless, but you should not just ignore it, and we can tell you straight away if you are a company that needs a Representative.
If you are a company outside the EU that releases Apps on Google Play or in the App Store to European customers, then you need a Representative. Or if you are a company based outside the EU that also sells to consumers in the EU, then again, you’ll need a Representative.
To find out more about our role as a Representative for companies outside the EU and how we can help, please call +44 203 2878 243 or email